True Worship – God’s choice


If you listen to GOD’s songs and words all day long in an effort to become strong in GOD and a true worshipper who pleases Him, then this article is for you. It shares insights on this journey. JESUS CHRIST told the Samaritan woman, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him” (John 4:23, KJV). We have often understood this verse to mean that singing songs from the heart is worship. This is why many men listen to songs while working, driving, or whenever they get a chance, and many women do the same, singing loudly as they go about their tasks.


Nowadays, the new generation is busy making and singing gospel songs. However, despite being so immersed in listening to songs, many people still struggle with unchanged natures, irritation, and impatience. Sometimes, their nature even worsens. Why does this happen, even after worshiping so earnestly, listening to songs all day, and hearing the Word?


The Greek word used for worshipper in this verse is προσκυνοῦμεν (proskuneiho), which means to kneel on the ground and put your head on the ground, or to fall on the ground and express respect to GOD or CHRIST. This raises the question: do we do this while singing or listening to songs, or while worshiping according to our understanding? We want to worship everywhere and all the time, but how can we do this? We cannot remain on our knees everywhere and all the time. So, are we doing it wrong? What is the right way that pleases GOD, makes us true worshippers, and improves our nature?


To understand this, we need to recognize a few things as follows :-


First, listening to songs, singing, playing, and praising are only parts of becoming a true worshipper. It’s like making a tasty dish: you add spices and cook it well so that it becomes delicious. Whether it is good or not, you can tell from its smell. Similarly, listening to or making songs and singing are just ingredients of worship that please GOD.


Secondly, while listening to a song, it should touch our hearts. We should remember its words well. If we are making a mistake, we should hear a song that can save us from that mistake. For example, if we are seeing something we shouldn’t, the song should remind us, “Beware what the little eye sees, because your father is looking down from the sky with love.” Don’t just listen to the song; let it become a means to save you from mistakes and avoid sin.


Finally, if you want your sacrifice to be fragrant and for GOD to give you the title of a true worshipper, remember that you must also give importance to reading the Word and praying. Read the Word, pray, and always have a thankful heart for GOD. This will make the “dish” of our worship tasty, and when it is well-cooked, its fragrance will reach GOD the Father, and He will be pleased. GOD the Father senses the fragrance of our thankful hearts, just as He did when Noah made his sacrifice. It was the fragrance of Noah’s thankful heart that pleased GOD, not just the aroma of the animals offered.


So from now on, for your spiritual growth, listen to songs of praise all day long because they will give you strength. But along with that, read the Word and pray, meditate on His Word, and make the lyrics of the song your weapon of spiritual warfare. Keep a thankful heart for GOD in every situation, which will make you patient and wise. This will naturally make you like Proskuniho, where you will feel that you have truly reached before the throne of GOD. The glory of His throne will surround you, and you will feel that you are falling on your knees and face, worshiping Him. The day you close your eyes to pray or sing and see this, understand that your worship has been done with a true heart, which GOD Jehovah is looking for. This will also remove your irritability, cool down your anger, and give you patience so that you can do all things wisely.


I wish that every ear listening to me right now may reach the point where, when they close their eyes to worship and pray to their true GOD, they will find themselves kneeling before the throne of GOD the Father with their faces bowed down, surrounded by the Glory of GOD in the name of JESUS CHRIST.


We hope that from today, you will be found in the category of true worshipers of GOD.

Please tell us by commenting if you have reached that point when you close your eyes and find yourself in front of
GOD’s throne. Share your testimony with us. We want you to grow in His power, see improvement in yourself while listening to songs, strengthen the spirit of patience and perseverance within you while listening to the Word, and grow stronger in the LORD.