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Videos in English

A movie Gone in a second 2007 MOVIE

A movie on rapture

Experience the Holy Land

Experience the Holy Land with HOLY COVENANT TOURS as we go on a journey to see the Bible opened in front our eyes

Gone in a second 2007 MOVIE

A movie on rapture

Experience the Holy Land

Experience the Holy Land with HOLY COVENANT TOURS as we go on a journey to see the Bible opened in front our eyes

Mystery of Jericho's wall

Israelites did not circle around Jericho 7 times. There is a mystery behind the demolition and instructions of God.

Emergency Call for all Christians


Press Down Shaken Together

Song especially crafted for church offering and portrays the blessings of giving to the Lord.

Mystery of Bethlehem and Golgotha

The reason why GOD chose Bethlehem for JESUS to be born in it and the hill of Golgotha to be crucified on.

Preparing for the time

Somethings you must have never seen or heard before Some alarming incidences and events have happened in the past few years

A very important part we missed about Jesus' sacrifice

mystery of the bible